Are you sure your company details are current?

Posted on 22 August 2020
Are you sure your company details are current?
Details of every company registered in Australia are kept on our corporate register. Companies must ensure that the details held on our corporate register are kept up to date by telling ASIC of any changes to these details. The Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act) requires companies to tell ASIC of changes to details on the appropriate form, generally within 28 days after the change. See Information Sheet 20 Checklist for registered companies and their officers (INFO 20) for mo...
Posted in:ASIC  

What information do you need to lodge to the ato and what documentation do I need to keep?

Posted on 22 August 2020
What information do you need to lodge to the ato and what documentation do I need to keep?
The short answer is talk to your Accountant and Tax Agent to get it right for your particular situation and absolutely everything that has anything to do with your business and tax.  One of the most common concerns for both Individuals and Business alike is failing to lodge the correct information to the ATO or not being fully aware of the documents that they must retain to make sure that their claims are valid in case of Audit. We have seen this concern develop further over the last fe...
Posted in:ATOTax Return  

You need to know changes to superannuation

Posted on 22 August 2020
You need to know changes to superannuation
The changes to the superannuation (super) system, announced by the Australian Government in the May 2016 Budget have now received Royal Assent. These changes were designed to improve the sustainability, flexibility and integrity of Australia's super system. Most of the changes will commence from 1 July 2017. Your super is your future check to see if you are directly affected, or what these changes may provide for you to maximise your savings for retirement. An overview of the c...
Posted in:Superannuation  
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